
28 June, 2018

Believe in Dreams and Make them happen #WriteBravely

Read Part 1Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 of the story.

"If we believe in our dreams and work hard, the whole Universe conspires to make our dreams come true. "
After the painful divorce, Karthika focussed completely on her tailoring business. Since business is growing with multiple orders, it is becoming a challenge to retain employees, hire more people and give better salaries. She took help of her ex-students who volunteered to work at her shop. She formed a trusted team of employees from her ex-students.

Karthika resigned her job, pooled out all her savings and decided to try innovative strategies to move ahead.

She promoted her shop with unique features:

  • Quicker service(within 3 hrs) with door delivery by online booking 
  • A website to record orders along with the customized measurements, detailed charges and multiple models to choose from.

She also started selling ready-made embroidery blouses which suit for any type of saree. Introduced her product line in third-party websites as an independent seller.

These simple but important changes increased her reach. She knew her dreams would come true soon. All her hard work will be paid.

 “No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” – Cinderella

Until next time,

Linking this to Write Tribe Festival of words 2018 hosted by Corinne. This is Part 6 of the fiction series. 


  1. so glad to see the transformed Kartika.. now there is no stoping her, she will reach the pinnacle of success soon

    1. Yes Akshata, no stopping from here for karthika.

  2. Quite tech savvy she was. Nice positive story of hard work and success.

  3. Ramya, your story of Karthika feels as it is close to you. She is a determined lady and works hard. Of course, the success has to come to her.

    1. Yes Anshu. I feel bad when women cannot continue their studies and I get inspired by women who build their own business against all odds.

  4. Hard work and determination are the keys to success. Well done Karthika.

  5. Wonderful . Life stops for no one and nothing. Just know you can see dreams and fulfil them. just get up and do it.

  6. Oh loved the way she showed promising business acumen. Superb. Now no one can stop her from soaring!

    1. Yes Rashmi. Good days ahead for karthika.

  7. more power to Karthika. Indeed, Hard work always pay off

  8. I loved this story .Entrepreneurship is just the best way to go forward.

  9. Hard work always pays. Good luck to Karthika!

    1. Thanks Meena. Good days ahead for Karthika.

  10. Entrepreneur. The sky is the limit for those who dare to dream.

  11. I love happily ever after stories and am glad that your heroine became her own hero . I am all for strong women who take control of their lives . Thanks for making this great character

    1. I believe in strong women. It's inspiring to read and write about them.


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