
07 February, 2019

An adventurous drive during a snow storm

I started driving just 2 years ago and I am really enjoying the driving. I would not have believed myself 2 years ago that I can drive a car as I was afraid of driving. Anyways, recently I drove in a winter storm and now, I became more confident on my driving.

We have recently traveled to fort Collins, CO for some important work and unfortunately we started without checking on the weather. While it started snowing when we reached Denver, we still thought it would subside by the time we return. Fort Collins is just 2 hrs from Colorado springs.

When I have started driving from Fort Collins,  it was snowing heavily. I don't have much problem while snowing as I know just I have to drive slow and maintain safe distance from the front vehicle. But, the problem is with zero visibility.

The cold air was raising from the road like vapours and wind shield, the side and rear mirrors were becoming hazy due to sub zero temperatures. The outside temperatures went down and I had to keep heaters on inside continuously to keep the window clear. Another problem is with braking. I was super cautious that I maintain safe distance with the car before me, still at one point of time I panicked if car won't stop even when I pressed the brake pad with much force. Once, I had to move sideways while braking so that i don't hit front vehicle incase car doesn't stop immediately after applying brake.

All cars were going at a speed of 50 mph even when visibility is just about 2 fts. I could drive just seeing the back lights of my front car as I cannot see anything beyond that due to thick fog and heavy snow. Came across multiple accidents and atlast all cars slowed down going inch by inch as police, tow trucks and snow plow trucks took control of the situation.

Now, with heavy snow, slippery road,  the traffic jam started. I was stuck in traffic jam for around 3 hrs and travelled just around 30 miles. When it cleared atlast, I reached my destination in 5 hrs instead of 2 hrs.

But all is well that ends well right? Iam grateful to God for making me reach home safe in hazardous conditions.

The images attached are not actual. Ofcourse  I cannot change my focus on anything else during driving. But the actual situation is worse than what these pictures show.

Did you ever drive in harsh weather? How was your experience? Do let me know in comments.

Until next time,

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