
02 September, 2023

Pennybacker Bridge, Austin TX

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Pennybacker Bridge in Austin is across Lake Austin that connects northern and southern sections of Loop 360 highway. This is commonly called as 360 degree bridge. 

This bridge constructed in 1982 is named after Percy V. Pennybacker Jr, who was a pioneer in the building technology and designed many bridges for the Texas highways. Now, that's about the history.

Pennybacker Bridge Overlook

This view point is amazing overlooking the Bridge and the Lake. 

I have seen this Bridge and Overlook in many Austin travel magazines, news channels and blogs. This seems like an Austin trademark kind of place.

The trailhead is just before the Pennybacker bridge/ 360-degree bridge. There is not a lot of place to park cars and the Sunset is the busiest time.

Trust me when I say this simple hike with little elevation will blow you away. The view of the bridge, lake and the surrounding houses is a treat to watch. It never disappoints.

There are 2 paths to hike. One is to scramble through rocks and climb higher elevation in less time. Other is meandering towards the right side, which goes up slowly, and has a clear path between trees.

After going to the top, you can walk right side to get more views of the lake and many people come here for surprise date nights and have picnic watching the Sunset as well.

That's a cool romantic spot :-)

So, that's about a nice hiking spot in Austin with a beautiful view.

Accommodations in Austin:

Affordable options to fly to Austin:

Until next time,

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This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023

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