
07 May, 2024

3 habits for mental peace #BlogchatterBlogHop

I have been pondering on these thoughts recently - What can we do for our mental peace? What's the recipe for relaxing life? In these days where we are always running behind tasks, how can we practice mindfulness and be practical?

May is Mental Wellness Month and I am sharing 3 habits for Mental Peace. 

3 years ago when I met an Ayurvedic health practitioner, the first advice she told me is to 'Slow Down' in my life. I always feel that's a great advice and following that benefited me more than anything. 

Slowing Down:

Why we have to slow down? Isn't this the age to work hard and earn? Later we might not have health, energy and age to our advantage right? 

But, the answer to that is to look at long term benefits. 

Image by kewl from Pixabay

In this generation, we work, manage home, kids and also try to spend time on ourselves, our hobbies. we take up so much stress and strive to become a perfect person in all aspects of life. I think, if you are like that as well, you need to slow down.

Slowing down helped me a lot with other things in my life. I started spending time on enjoying little precious things in life - going to library with kids and spending hours there, volunteering with dance choreography for events, enjoying the weather, nature, Sunrises, Sunsets, focusing on health, cooking healthy food, blogging, reading books, drawing zentangles etc., 

Trying to be the best version, not striving to be Perfect:

I have this habit from childhood to keep my hands dirty on different activities. I had this restless mind always pinching me to try something new. I am not an adventurous person, I don't even try new foods. But, I love attempting new experiences - travel, arts, writing etc.,

This mindset has been possible only because I just try to be the best version of myself, but not a perfectionist in all the things I do. We can definitely try to become better than our earlier version. But, Once we stress ourselves to be the perfectionist, we stop enjoying the process. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I love drawing zentangles. Initially when I learned, they were horrible. I got the best zentangle pens, started with basics. Then, advanced to copying simple art pieces that I can draw. If i criticize myself hard, I would have stopped drawing them. I think, we all need joy in our lives and our hobbies can give that if we don't self-criticize harshly.

Moving On:

This helped me a lot for mental peace. We all have goals, we reach some, we fail miserably in some, but moving on is the only next step.

Not expecting much from others and Moving on irrespective of result is great. What's the use of being stuck due to any issue? Life doens't wait and aging never stops anyways. There is only one life and we are responsible to make it wonderful or stressful. 

Image by Annette from Pixabay

We learn from the mistakes of our past, but we should focus on present. 

Choice is ours to Move on or Not

What do you say?

These are the 3 habits that I have that make me unique.

Pin it for later!

Until next time,

This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop.


  1. Your piece is very relatable to.

  2. Trying to be your best version and not the perfect one is the correct way to lead a stress-free life.


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