Self - promotion is always difficult for me. Even when I started my blog I created it in private mode and shared it with only a few close friends to get the feedback. That was in 2006, I suppose. After a few posts when I refined my writing, I chose to make my blog public.
It's always not about getting appreciation but there is a benefit of getting quality feedback when we promote our content/ blog. A small appreciation from a stranger is a kind of booster to the confidence. When we learn that someone else who read our blog could relate to it and feel that the article helpful, we feel more than happy. Nowadays, I give more importance to promotion too other than writing quality content. Social media has made life easier for people like me who run blogs with less reach.
The first thing that we should do before the promotion is to analyze our blog statistics on how are we getting the traffic and which audience is more interested in our articles.
My blog is about book reviews, travelogues, and parenting. But, I realized that my friends and colleagues read my blog when I write more about parenting and travel. My Book reviews are shared and promoted by the authors and blog tour organizers and so they reach more audience. I understood from my blog stats that I get more traffic from Google plus and then from Facebook. So, after I realized these facts, I focused more on Google plus and facebook than other ways of promotion.
I promote my blog in the following ways:
1. Google Plus
This is most surprising to me when people come across my blog through Google plus as I don't put any special effort to promote my content this way. Even though my blog is on a custom domain, it is managed by blogger platform. Whenever I publish any blog post, blogger automatically opens a popup to share my post on Google plus. So, it's easy and quick.
2. Facebook
The number one promotional tool for me is Facebook. This is the only place where my content is shared and liked by my close friends and strangers alike. I have created a facebook page for my blog and I am constantly trying to improve the followers. I not only share my content on my facebook page and also share content from other blogs which are good. Basically, I try to keep my audience engaged. I joined a lot of facebook groups like "It's all about blogging", "Blogher", "Indiblogger" etc., and also writing communities like "Parenting moms style", "Mompresso", "WriteTribe" etc where I share my content regularly.
3. Twitter
Twitter helps me a lot in promotion by sharing my posts with proper hashtags. My Followers are constantly increasing these days. I follow other bloggers which post content about parenting, books, and travel and also share their content. Whenever I promote my content through Twitter, I add an image with my blog url in it along with proper hashtags. I have used one tip from blogging community through which my posts shared on my facebook page are automatically posted to my twitter feed. So, it becomes easy and quick to post on Twitter at the same time.
4. Blogging communities and websites
I have joined a blogging community "Indiblogger". I share my posts on Indiblogger whenever I get time. This helps me to network with fellow bloggers. My posts had been top posts a few days, which was a mood booster for me. I also share my content on the blogchatter website. They have a reading list where they feature our blog links to their readers. I see that many bloggers share their content on other blogs too like 'Medium', 'Momspresso' and 'Winkl'. There are some specific websites which take guest posts from mom bloggers on a variety of topics like 'budingstar' and 'Raising Global children' magazine.
5. Pinterest
Pinterest is my new find. Earlier, I used to search on Pinterest whenever I want to try new crafts for children. But, didn't realize its importance in the promotion of blog until I read "Pinterest Basics" post by Shailaja Viswanath. I have also enrolled a course online "Pinterest Primer". I am still at a beginner level on learning to promote through Pinterest but I suggest this to all bloggers.
How do you promote your content? Other than social media, what works best for you? Which social media drives more traffic for you? Please share your opinion in comments.
Until next time,
This article is written as part of SuperBloggingChallenge2018 conducted by,, and and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.
It's always not about getting appreciation but there is a benefit of getting quality feedback when we promote our content/ blog. A small appreciation from a stranger is a kind of booster to the confidence. When we learn that someone else who read our blog could relate to it and feel that the article helpful, we feel more than happy. Nowadays, I give more importance to promotion too other than writing quality content. Social media has made life easier for people like me who run blogs with less reach.
The first thing that we should do before the promotion is to analyze our blog statistics on how are we getting the traffic and which audience is more interested in our articles.
My blog is about book reviews, travelogues, and parenting. But, I realized that my friends and colleagues read my blog when I write more about parenting and travel. My Book reviews are shared and promoted by the authors and blog tour organizers and so they reach more audience. I understood from my blog stats that I get more traffic from Google plus and then from Facebook. So, after I realized these facts, I focused more on Google plus and facebook than other ways of promotion.
I promote my blog in the following ways:
1. Google Plus
This is most surprising to me when people come across my blog through Google plus as I don't put any special effort to promote my content this way. Even though my blog is on a custom domain, it is managed by blogger platform. Whenever I publish any blog post, blogger automatically opens a popup to share my post on Google plus. So, it's easy and quick.
2. Facebook
The number one promotional tool for me is Facebook. This is the only place where my content is shared and liked by my close friends and strangers alike. I have created a facebook page for my blog and I am constantly trying to improve the followers. I not only share my content on my facebook page and also share content from other blogs which are good. Basically, I try to keep my audience engaged. I joined a lot of facebook groups like "It's all about blogging", "Blogher", "Indiblogger" etc., and also writing communities like "Parenting moms style", "Mompresso", "WriteTribe" etc where I share my content regularly.
3. Twitter
Twitter helps me a lot in promotion by sharing my posts with proper hashtags. My Followers are constantly increasing these days. I follow other bloggers which post content about parenting, books, and travel and also share their content. Whenever I promote my content through Twitter, I add an image with my blog url in it along with proper hashtags. I have used one tip from blogging community through which my posts shared on my facebook page are automatically posted to my twitter feed. So, it becomes easy and quick to post on Twitter at the same time.
Content is Fire. Social Media is Gasoline. - Ryan Kahn
4. Blogging communities and websites
I have joined a blogging community "Indiblogger". I share my posts on Indiblogger whenever I get time. This helps me to network with fellow bloggers. My posts had been top posts a few days, which was a mood booster for me. I also share my content on the blogchatter website. They have a reading list where they feature our blog links to their readers. I see that many bloggers share their content on other blogs too like 'Medium', 'Momspresso' and 'Winkl'. There are some specific websites which take guest posts from mom bloggers on a variety of topics like 'budingstar' and 'Raising Global children' magazine.
5. Pinterest
Pinterest is my new find. Earlier, I used to search on Pinterest whenever I want to try new crafts for children. But, didn't realize its importance in the promotion of blog until I read "Pinterest Basics" post by Shailaja Viswanath. I have also enrolled a course online "Pinterest Primer". I am still at a beginner level on learning to promote through Pinterest but I suggest this to all bloggers.
How do you promote your content? Other than social media, what works best for you? Which social media drives more traffic for you? Please share your opinion in comments.
Until next time,
This article is written as part of SuperBloggingChallenge2018 conducted by,, and and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.