11 July, 2019

The tall trees at Spearfish Canyon, SD #ThursdayTreeLove

Loved these tall trees at Spearfish  canyon on the way to Spearfish falls in South Dakota.

Until next time,

Linking this to #ThursdayTreeLove hosted by Parul.


  1. So tall and, in their own way, majestic. I hope to go out west one day (I have been to South Dakota twice) there is a lot there to see.

  2. Wow! They are really very tall. Must be so hard to get into one frame. Thank you for joining, Ramya! Good one!

  3. These trees look like the Giant Redwood trees of California for the similarity of the height. How it must be to crank one's neck up, up and above trying to look at the canopy!

  4. Somehow everything in America seems larger than life. even the trees isn't it?

  5. Amazingly tall trees


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