26 November, 2020

What are you grateful for today? #GratitudeCircle

 On this Thanksgiving day, what are you grateful for?

A simple ritual like creating a Gratitude list is scientifically proven to bring joy to our lives. Did you ever try it?

I have been writing Gratitude lists every month this year (ofcourse, I missed it 2 times :-p), and it gives me a satisfaction and brings me a realization of how fortunate I am than many others in different aspects of life.  

This time, I am writing a gratitude list for 3 months - September, October, and November. 

I am grateful for -

1. Career

My career has become a major part of my life. The last few months have been a good learning experience and I am grateful to my colleagues and friends who helped me grow. 

2. Family

Nothing might have been easy without the love of family members and their support. Accomplishments in both work and dance might have been impossible without themhelp.

I am thankful to God for keeping me in the abundance of love. 


3. Dance

This part of my life is completely unplanned and I am grateful to God for giving me opportunities to showcase my dance skills at the right time.

 I am indebted to my Guru A. Parvathi Ramachandran and my parents for introducing this art form.

I have started my website as well this week. One more thing to be thankful for!


4. Travel

We, as a family enjoy traveling and I am grateful to be staying in Colorado. 

In September, we traveled to South West Colorado covering the Black Canyon of Gunnison, Million Dollar Highway, and Telluride. The other travelogues would be published soon on my blog.

This month, we went for a scenic drive - A dirt road from Colorado Springs to Victor and the winding road to Phantom Canyon. Just a day trip of 5 hrs drive due to Covid. Couldn't stay anywhere as cases are spiking to the maximum.

5. Birthdays

We celebrated my husband's birthday in September and my younger one's birthday in October. Covid couldn't discourage us much, we decorated the home with Angry bird's theme and balloons as usual, just didn't invite all of our friends. 

A sumptuous meal and cake completed the celebration. I am thankful for these little joys of decorating the house, cooking/ordering elaborate meals, and eating cake on birthdays. 

PC: www.pixabay.com

So, that's it on my Gratitude list. I will have good news to share on my next gratitude list!

 Have a safe and happy time at home.

We are just 1 month and a few days away to ring in the new year 2021. Are you waiting for the new year?

Until next time,

Linking this to #GratitudeCircle hosted by Vidya Sury. 


  1. Congratulations again on your new website! May you continue to grow in your art and gratitude!

  2. Gratitude helps us be grounded. May you keep growing in your career and may you have lovely memories with your family.
    Ruchi Nasa https://thevagabond.me

  3. Congratulations on your dance website. I can imagine your excitement! 😀
    Waiting know the good news you have saved for next month! Wishing you a wonderful month, Mahathi!

  4. Congrats on your new website, Mahathi! And, yes, it's true, without our family and their support, we won't be able to do a thing!
    God bless you, dear, and may you have a blessed new year!

  5. I love reading gratitude posts. It fills you with positivity and makes you cherish the goodness around you. Congrats for your new dance website. Glad that you are having a great time with family and colleagues. Cheers!

  6. Lovely post, Ramya and heartiest Congratulations on the website. You must be so happy with this new start. Wishing that this be the beginning of many wonderful things for you. Take care

  7. Congratulations on your website!

  8. Beautiful Ramya, congratulations for the website. I visited your website and found such lovely pictures of you. Nice to read your gratitude list, its always a pleasure to read a gratitude post, thank for sharing:)

  9. Anonymous4:49 AM

    That’s a lovely post! Well-written, heartwarming and so creative.
    Great post.Thanks for sharing such an informative blog.
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  10. Love your new website, Mahathi - the photos are beautiful! It is great to see you showcasing your talents. Sept-Oct-Nov sound wonderful with birthdays and travel. I am happy to read your gratitude list <3 Take care! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!


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