01 August, 2016

Knowledge of what you don't know - #BARaThon - Day #2

Linking this to #BARaTthon challenge for Day #2.
Day #2 prompt: What you don’t know

The title might be confusing but let me explain.

There is a theory on knowledge. Knowledge can be divided into 4 quadrants - 
what you know that you know, 
what you know that you don't know, 
what you don't know that you know and
what you don't know that you don't know. 

1. What you know that you know 
We should know what are all the things that we know. That means, what expertise we have or what we are good at.

2. What you know that you don't know:
At least, to some extent, we know our weakness and want to learn/ improve in some specific areas. This knowledge comes under this quadrant. So, know what you don't know.

3. Don't know what you know
Sometimes, we don't know our capabilities and belittle ourselves, which is not good at all. So, we should know about our capabilities and strengths. Else, we come to this quadrant.

4. Don't know what you don't know

This is pretty dangerous. When you don't know what you should improve on or what you are not good at, you don't even try to learn.

This management lesson that I learned in a workshop helped me to realize my strengths and weakness and work on the improvements. Did this concept help you too? What do you think about this concept? Do let me know in comments.

Until next time,

Also linking to #MondayMusings hosted by Corinne here.

Ps: Image courtesy- free stock images from pixabay.com.


  1. Woah! That's a very interesting and unexpected take on the prompt. Never quite thought of it from these angles. Thanks for sharing the management lesson :)

  2. I saw the graphs of this concept last night when I was looking for an image for my 'What you don't know' post :)
    Well explained!

  3. Wow! Amazing take on the prompt. Thanks for sharing this insightful post :)

  4. Pretty interesting ! Thanks for sharing as it helps classify our knowledge and as you said, it definitely helps to assess ourselves.


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