04 August, 2016

Those tiny shoes #BARaThon - Day #5

Writing this for #BARaThon challenge by Blog-a-rhythm for day#5.

Day 5 prompt - Tiny shoes

Those little shoes..
Were a gift from my dearest uncle

Those pretty pink shoes..
Made me a centre of attraction whenever I wore with my matching pink frock

Those tiny shoes..
I wore them in the nights secretly and felt proud of myself watching in mirror

Those beatiful bright shoes..
I felt very possessive about them and didn't give to anyone even when they didn't fit anymore

Those shining little shoes..
Lost their beauty by drenching in flood water but I couldn't give up still

Those pretty pink shoes..
For whose I couldn't find any replacement yet.

Until next time,

Iam not very good at writing poetry or fiction and this is my feeble attempt for the prompt 😊

Image courtesy: A free image from pixabay.com.


  1. Cute attempt, Ramya :)
    Loved it!

  2. It's a very good attempt. I don't know much about poetry, but I enjoyed reading it.

  3. I'm good with poems like this which I can understand. And this was cute.

  4. Good one! Liked the essence of cuteness :)

  5. So you love shoes eh Mahathi? :)

  6. That is sweetly written....:)

  7. well sweet and child like ..:)

  8. Such a cute and innocent take:)


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