How do you stay productive? For me, it's not easy to stay productive. I tend to step on multiple activities and my restlessness overtakes my enthusiasm. Eventually, I waste a lot of time.
However, with experience, I have learned many tips which will help me stay productive. Here are a few of them.
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My Top 5 Productivity Tips:
1. Remove distractions
An easy way is to keep your phone in some other room or keep it with you in silent mode. The phone is the first distraction for many of us. Don't you agree?
A phone with an internet connection and a couple of social media apps is a terrible combination for distraction.
Turn off notifications for the apps that you don't care much about.
When you are bored, try walking even if it's inside the house in the middle of work. Observe and watch things and people around you. If you can stick to this rule, you will definitely come back to your task quickly.
2. Enjoy the work you do
If you are doing some task due to the force of someone in the family or friends and if you are really not interested in the task, it's very tough to stay productive.
Enjoy the work you do. If not, at least think of ways to make it less stressful.
Ex: If office work is not something you enjoy or it becomes too stressful, take a coffee break, say hi to colleagues, walk around the office, fill your water bottle, stretch your legs, take deep breaths, and come back to work.
That way, we can be more productive than not taking any breaks at all.
3. Focus on a single thing at a time
I don't know why some people give importance to multi-tasking, but I feel multi-tasking is not for someone who wants to be productive. Focusing on a single task at a time makes us more productive.
Taking a lunch break? Focus on lunch and don't check your phone or work emails.
Attending a zoom call? Focus on the agenda and don't get deviated from the topic.
Multi-tasking might save time in the short term, but will be stressful in the long run.
4. Relax and Replenish
We are humans and not machines. We are not supposed to work all day without relaxing in the middle.
Taking a power nap of 15 mins in the middle of the day is not a waste of time. This improves productivity. It makes you more active for the rest of the day.
Social interaction is important for humans. Chatting with friends, playing with kids, and watching TV are helpful too.
Don't get overburnt. This improves your productivity for sure. A well-oiled and well-maintained machine only can run in the long term.
5. Set times for tasks
Setting time for a task helps me to focus better. Instead of multitasking, I set a time for each task and move on. There are no strict rules. If you cannot complete a task in the given time, you can extend it. But the point is to stay focused on the task completely for that period of time.
You can be as flexible as you like.
For ex: Every day, set a time to close office work. Once or 2 days a week is an exception and it is completely fine. But, family time shouldn't overlap with Work time often.
These are my top tips for productivity . What tips work for you? Please suggest me in the comments.
Until next time,
word count: 595
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