14 April, 2014

L for Library #AtoZChallenge

L is for nothing else but Library. :)

I started going to library in my school days with my aunty. Initially, i read many story books, later graduated to technical books. But, after i graduated from college, my love for story and cartoon books increased. Did you see 'Adventures of Tintin' in television? Wonderful series, interesting throughout. I used to read these series of books like a craze. Then, started a time, when i used to rent good novels and complete 1 or 2 novels per 15 days and return them, when i was in Chennai. It was such a jolly time, going to Library with friends, selecting books and discussing stories. Iam a good story teller from my college days, so, obviously used to read stories to my roommates. Now, i don't have time for library, except to buy few good books or order online and complete them slowly once in a month or so. 

Even though i love visiting libraries, never thought of maintaining my own personal library at home. Basically, i don't like reading the same book again and again even though how good it is. So, i usually give my books to friends and colleagues after i complete. That's the story about my bond with library.. :)

Until next time,

Image courtesy:from creative common license flickr images. 
This is my entry for AtoZ blogging challenge 2014. 


  1. I love going to the library too. I dont like maintaining books at home because of the maintenance. So libraries are the solution for bookworm me.

  2. mm.. maintaining a library at home is difficult, going to library is best.. glad that you too follow the same Sireesha:)


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