08 November, 2016

Twelve Bells by Bridget B Leslie - [Book Review] #NaBloPoMo #day9

Book Details:

Title: Twelve Bells

Author: Bridget B Leslie

Genre: Romance, Chicklit

Source: A free e-review copy from the author

No. of pages: 48


In her struggle to heal the emotional torment caused by her ex-fiancé, Lynette Frank attends a speed-dating event to give herself a psychological edge in her quest to find the right man. Each man she meets challenges her to fully resurrect her dating life. But is it all too much too soon?

My Review:

I picked this up for review as this is a short and sweet book. The story is about the speed dating event and how the conversation of Lynette with 12 men changes her life. 

When we meet different people in our lives, everyone impacts us in one way or the other. A few inspire, encourage and compliment, whereas a few judge from our looks, discourage or de-motivate us. The protagonist Lynette meets 12 different men from different socio, cultural and economic backgrounds and each one of them impress her with their unique personality.  When we meet people with an open mind without any restrictions or fear for the commitment,we observe a lot and appreciate their good qualities. Since we judge people very early and form impressions, we lose to find such good people. So,this story is all about this. 

What I liked?
This story made me introspect about how we judge people and form first impressions. I loved the characterization and the way each character is revealed in less than 50 pages. The writing style is simple and easy to follow with a tinge of humor.

I would recommend this to someone who wants to have a quick and fun read on relationships and analyzing personalities.

My Rating:

PS: I have received this free review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion on the book.

Purchase Link:


About the Author:

Bridgett Leslie is the winner of the 2014 British-Australian Community Literary Award and also the 2015 joint winner for the SAMPAD International Writing competition. Currently, she contributes to media for the United Nations Association of Australia, an official entity of the United Nations. Bridgett is a qualified finance professional and currently based in Australia.

Until next time,

This is my Day 9 post for #NaBloPoMo. 


  1. Sounds like an interesting book. I liked the story line and that it is a short story, I am definitely picking it up! This reminded me of Priyanka Chopra and Harman Baweja's movie, What's your Rashi?

  2. Looks like an interesting read.Will check it out.


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